Our School Olympics 2012

Just in case you have missed it, London will be hosting the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in August. One of the promises of from Lord Seb Coe was to increase sporting participation within schools across the country and many schools are taking this opportunity to engage students in the Olympics and sport in general….

My First SOLO Inspired Lesson

I jumped on the bangwagon, the SOLO taxonomy bandwagon. There has been a lot of chat recently on the use of SOLO in education and many teachers on Twitter are using it to shape their students learning. The excitement generated captivated me and I spent some of my weekend sat in the sun researching on…

Innovative ICT in Education: Twitter

The latest ‘Training Tuesday’ for staff CPD was on the use of Twitter for professional development. Aims: What is Twitter? Sharing the benefits of developing your own PLN (Personal Learning Network) Who to follow… #Hashtags You can find the PowerPoint by clicking here to download. Before I get started, I must thank @ICTEvangelist, @IaninSheffield, @CreativeEdu and…

Primary Head Teachers – iPads in Education

On Friday 4th May I presented to the Cluster Primary Heads on the use of innovative I.C.T in education, specifically highlighting the use of iPads in schools. This blog post is a quick summary of the content I covered during that meeting, although not exhaustive, it was an introduction to a set of curious Primary…

Innovative ICT in Education: Web 2.0

During this session, I shared a small list of web 2.0 websites that teachers can start using in their classroom. Aims: What is web 2.0? ‘Some’ web 2.0 websites. You can find the PowerPoint used during the session by clicking here to download it. 1) What is web 2.0? Web 2.0 are interactive, user-centred design, user collaboration…

Innovative ICT in Education: QR Codes

This session covered what QR Codes are and their possible uses in the classroom. Aims: What are QR codes? How to make QR codes. Possible uses in the classroom. You can find the PowerPoint used during the session by clicking here to download it. 1) What are QR codes? As QR codes were once explained to me,…

Handheld Devices

Handheld devices are increasingly becoming a common technology in work, school, and play. Nearly every student at secondary age (11-18 years old) now owns a device, whether it is a mobile phone, smart phone or iPod. This accompanied with an increasing number of applications being developed for educational administrators, teachers, and students, handheld devices are…